I’ve been watching 3 podcasters playing and I have to say I’m severely underwhelmed by the AI. The only thing I can say for certain is that if they managed to get the high level AI working without too much cheating they will have made me happy as well as in all likely hood thoroughly beaten but thats just me not playing strategy games enough. Now of course those are broad categories and probably a good number of people don’t fit into either but it works well enough for this. “Oh I failed here because the AI has map hacks, better reload” only stands up when the opponent actually has said map hacks going on. They just want something to blame if things go wrong. The second type aren’t really worried about whether the AI is cheating or not. The idea that we are beating something on even grounds or being beaten on said grounds appeals to us. We won’t be save scumming (My background in Roguelikes makes that one of the dirtiest words game play wise for me). The first are like most of us who are asking right now. I have found that the people who care about how much the AI cheat fall into 2 categories.